Workouts, Meal Planning & Healthy Snacking

As a person who loves to work out and loves to try different fitness classes and cleanses, I hate changing my diet. Up until right before having a child, age 28, I was able to eat whatever I wanted and be able to work out once or twice a week and get away with it, not having to do much to maintain my body.

Fast forward 1 kid and 4 years later, working out 4-5 times a week and that is not enough. I refused to change my diet, thinking I could still eat whatever I wanted, and I’m not talking about all junk food here, but it did consist of chips here and there, some candy here and there, but for the most part it was decent. Never straight garbage food. But still, never able to lose any weight or inches, ever. Frustrating. How much more time did I need to dedicate to working out each week?!

3 things I noticed I needed to do constantly in order to change my body and tone it up: workout, meal planning and healthy snacking.

When I started my Advocare cleanse, the first thing I had to change was my diet. If I did not change it, there as no point in doing the diet. I had to get rid of coffee and replace is with a supplement they provided. Fine. Not ever a choice I would make, but had to do it in order to make changes. Another thing I had to do was meal plan. I have tried Beachbody 21 fix and you’re supposed to meal plan and all that but I never did, so essentially it wasn’t working for me either.

Meal Planning : With Advocare, I meal planned for all day and all week while I was at work. I prepped my breakfast, which was strawberries that I cut. I prepped my morning snack which was flavored almonds or celery and organic peanut butter. I prepped my lunch which was either tuna with celery, lentils, grilled shrimp over salad, quinoa, grilled cauliflower, and ground turkey with avocado, or ground turkey chili. All of it was pretty awesome! Really filling and tasted good.

When I came home for dinner, I also had to have planned what we were going to eat or we would just take a lazy route and eat something less healthy. We ate a LOT of fish and quinoa, vegetables, ground turkey, turkey burgers, avocado, turkey chili, grilled chicken. It ended up being easier than I thought to make all of these things than I had originally thought. My daughter was the hardest part, I had to make her other things because she doesn’t like fish but still it happened.

Working out: Once I started to change my diet, I coupled it with working out 3-5 times a week. I alternated between barre and 21 day fix 30 minute daily workouts. If I couldn’t get either of those in, I would run, walk or bike. There were many options, I just had to change my priority of time in order to fit it into my daily life.

Healthy Snacking: An option for a snack that I would eat as a mid morning snack were Vegan Protein Bars. These were also very good for me to eat prior to going to work out around 4:30, right after work, and it gave me energy to do my work out. Eating it about 30-40 minutes before going to work out is key. If you are not the type to eat before going to work out but always want to have a sort of protein after, these GoMacro Vegan Protein Bars are a great treat for after working out. The Protein Replenishment Peanut Butter bar is an excellent choice for after work out.  I have been using barre workouts and the 21 day fix workouts and each time it has been helpful.  They are super easy to purchase and you can get a case of 24 for 30$. Not a bad deal at all and that could last you almost all month if you ate one a day! They also are sold at Rite Aid, 7 Eleven, etc. you can look up your zip code to find them. Pretty useful. I know when I find a good product I have to just order it online so it will come quick!

When dieting and meal planning, you need to incorporate snacks into your diet. Otherwise you will end up eating something you shouldn’t. That always happens to me. I will be tempted by some sort of snack and that’s when my diet gets lost in the sauce.

For those who are very bad about being able to plan healthy meals, I would suggest writing out a schedule. This way you can stick to it. As a teacher, it was easy for me to set a schedule and stick with it. Otherwise I would never! Being all over the place and super busy is really hard for eating healthy. But as always, it is a lifestyle change and you need to change the way you eat if you plan to make some changes for better health in your life.

If you are busy and have kids and plans and not a lot of time to eat during the day, healthy snacking is where you need to perfect your diet. Green tea and lemon ginger tea are huge helpers as well for healthy snacking.



Advocare 10 Day Cleanse 

Image result for advocare cleanse

Day 8! 2 more days left. I have been cleansing now for a while. I think it’s been going pretty well. I have stuck to the diet and eliminated coffee (ahhhhhh) and no alcohol. So it has been quite a rough week. The Advocare Cleanse has been interesting.

Let me tell you, I have drank coffee every day since I was 12 (feel like Zootopia here!) okay not really 12 but like 16 at least! And 10 days without it, is super rough. But the Spark  really helped and made it doable.

So you take 2 pills in the morning before you eat plus this Fiber drink. I could say that the Fiber drink was the worst part of the cleanse (minus the no coffee). Not that it tastes bad, but it is a weird consistency and it just is gross, there is no nice way to put it. Luckily it is super fast and the best way to do it is just chugging it and then drinking water after. It has no taste just seeing the clear in the water is gross.

Breakfast: I have been eating strawberries & drinking the Spark. Then for a mid morning snack peanut butter with apples or flavored almonds. I found some amazing flavored almonds – toasted coconut by blue diamond was amazing.

Lunch: Turkey burger with avocado, quinoa with turkey burger, lentil soup, garlic shrimp over lettuce with vinaigrette, grilled chicken, turkey chili, celery & hummus.

Afternoon Snack: almonds, celery with peanut butter, celery with hummus, peanut butter with rice cakes, blueberries, watermelon, strawberries

Dinner: quinoa, corn, broccoli, talapia, salmon, turkey burger, green beans, cod, grilled chicken

Before bed, you take two more pills with a big glass of water.


Honestly, the cleanse has not been that bad, but in order to see results you need to drink lots of water and follow the diet, otherwise it won’t make a difference. I would recommend it. It has made me feel cleaner inside, I am not sure how to describe that. It has also helped me stay on track with eating healthy.

I took my measurements on day one so we will see the results. I will share them on Wednesday! I have also been adding in the BeachBody 21 day fix workout!

Check out the Advocare Cleanse!


























MilestonePod: A Smart Shoe Odometer- Ready for Running Season!


Last year I took up running in 5k races and I can tell you, I was not prepared for them. I began researching a few different products that would make my running experience more beneficial. Trying to find apps for my phone that would tell me where I was running, how many calories I was burning, how many miles, etc. I was having hard time finding the right one, because there are so many! 

I recently discovered the MilestonePod. Why did I not know about this last year during my 5k runs?! It could have tracked so much information for me and it has an amazing app for the iPhone that would have provided the information for me.

Along with this extremely details app, the best part of the MilestonePod is that you can run without having to carry around your phone to track your route, speed, etc. I looked totally silly carrying around my iPhone during a 5k run because I had no where to put it and I wanted to track my run.

Now I can be hands free while running and still track my progress. I noticed when I held my phone in my hand, not only did it make me more lazy, but I was able to see exactly the miles and it would change how I ran. With Milestone, I will be able to look at the miles/time/pace afterwards, and not be counting down every single step until I reached 1 mile!


The great thing about this app is it’s easy to use and it gives you great data. I just signed up so I have no information but I found a picture online that does:

This is a great site that will help you in how to set up the pod through your phone and on your shoe. It is extremely easy to do and took me about 5 minutes.

Some other positives about the Pod:

-The battery life is like a standard watch which lasts longer than an average pair of sneakers, about 6-8 months! That is HUGE! When you don’t have to worry about if your tracker is charged when you need it, that is such a great feeling.

-Along with tracking many miles you are running, it tracks the miles that are on your shoes.

-It connects to the Bluetooth in your phone and it has a 20 hour memory so you do not have to bring your phone with you when you are running in order for it to track.

Took 2 minutes to put on the shoe and the app, about 1 minute to set up. Super easy, user friendly product and you cannot even feel it on your shoe!!

Looking for more information on this? Click here.

21 Day Fix

It’s here. 

I started. 

1st workout=done 

Sweating ! 

I never thought I would like at home videos but turns out I do! Especially the dvds that I can keep. 

They guarantee if you follow the regimen then you will see results. I bought this package just with what you see in the box, I should have done the shakes but I didn’t want to spend almost $200. 

But now that I have the videos, I of course want the shakes. 

My problem with shakes was trying to make them at school. I barely have time to breathe let alone make a shake and then wash out the blender. So that was a fail. 

But, if I make them at home and drink them before or after working out at home and I am mostly working out at home, then it could be beneficial. 

I was having a hard time actually getting myself to work out. I felt like the computer was hard because it was small.  Then my daughter was running all over the place while I was trying to workout. Or I was self conscious of my husband watching me workout. All these things I kept stopping and not doing it. 

What they really were: excuses. 

Now it’s been a few times since doing t25 at home and everyone is used to it happening for 25-30 min a day and I feel better at what I am doing.  

Day 1 check. 

We shall see how the rest goes ! 

Working Out at Home vs. Going to a Gym

I was never a big workout person. I went to the gym once a week pre baby and worked a lot and was able to stay in shape because I was young and my metabolism was good. 

Since having a baby, things have changed and it’s not so easy to just be skinny anymore! 

I started going back to the gym through aerobics classes. It worked. I lost 10 lbs! I was back to my pre-baby weight. 

3 years later, I have maintained the weight but I can’t change it and I work out all of the time. 

Recently I have joined a barre studio and am now going to purchase the beachbody 21 day fix. I have been debating back and forth about purchasing another beachbody program and would I use it and was it worth the cost ? I wasn’t sure if I would actually work out at home like you are supposed to. 

We started doing T25 in the classroom and that is a beachbody program and I really like it. I feel like along with the barre classes and  T25, I am making some progress.  

It was hard at first with Hailey because she always wanted to be on my yoga mat or would get in the way of the exercise. It just wasn’t easy to do it with all the obstacles. But at the same time, I can make it work and I will have to continue.

Workout out at home benefits ? No need to go anywhere, can do it anyway, does not cost as much money as a gym membership, you can feel comfortable. 

I like the gym because the classes force me to work hard when I know myself and I won’t.   But I can do the online classes too…. choices choices. 

What type of workouts do you do? How do you feel about working out at home ? What about a gym ? 

January at the Gym= Awful!

Over the summer I don’t have to go to the gym. I can work out at home or outside and all of the time. Biking, being outside, walking, running, outside yoga. So much. 

Here is the winter and on the weekends I go to the gym because it’s easier since they have a daycare. 

But here I am waiting always for machines and there are just so many people here. Kudos to the YMCA for all the new members but oh my goodness. 

All these people and their New Years resolutions. They need to keep it all year long. The people who frequent the gym all year long feel this beginning of the year craziness.  

Is anyone else frustrated by this or just me ?! 


Pregnancy Problems: Shrek Feet

Throughout my first pregnancy, one of my biggest issues I had were my feet. Unfortunately I did not take any pictures during my pregnancy because I was not happy with the way that I looked or felt. By the end, I had gained 60lbs (130lbs to 190lbs) – which was totally insane because I didn’t stuff my face with anything and everything that I could possibly eat!

At the end, I gained 10lbs in one month in my legs and feet in water weight because as a teacher, I was standing all day. Obviously my doctor did not understand this because he was definitely not happy with my gain in weight. Now, with this weight gain in my legs and feet, I literally looked like shrek. My feet were red and very swollen. When I went to get pedicures, the people were afraid to massage them as I am begging them to rub my feet! Life was rough.

Thank god it was summer and I could wear sandals, size 10 (originally size 7!!) because nothing else that I had fit and those I had to go to the store and buy. I almost considered being barefoot – but that was clearly on the verge of being seen as a big, huge, angry, pregnant woman – which wouldn’t have been very far from the truth! Nothing helped. But I refused to try Dr. Scholls from the store. To me, I felt like then I was really pushing my ugliness and I already felt disgusting enough, so it wasn’t an option –what did I know?! 

Now, knowing that this is something that will for sure happen to me again in my next pregnancy, my friend who works at sales and went to a mommy expo, she found some amazing companies for my to look and prepare for my next pregnancy.  She found a company called MommySteps Insoles. They specialize in maternity insoles that can mold to your feet! Again, I continue to ask the question of why did I not know about these things when I was pregnant?!

These insoles are heat moldable in the oven, which makes for a perfect fit and comfort. The insole will also mold somewhat by wearing for a week or more putting them in the oven. It was super easy to do and did not take that long at all.

Another thing no one ever tells you during pregnancy is that your feet change and grow –like everything else! The MommySteps prevent the foot from growing a size by holding the arch in place. Even when the hormone elastin loosens the foot, the MommySteps Insoles will hold the original length of the foot and prevent it from bowing.

This could have been a huge difference in my pregnancy. It could have changed the way my feet blew up, the size they got, and my lower back hurting! I could have worn normal shoes. WHO KNEW?! I can even wash them and let them air dry so they don’t stink from my boots and flats! Seriously amazing.

One of the many good qualities of this product are that there are different ones for working out (Athletic for Runners) the blue ones and then for work (for tighter fitting shoes) are the black ones/pink box.

But even better than that? You can re-heat the insoles 3 times in order to refit your foot.  It remolds to best suit the foot at 3 months, 5 months and 8 months etc.  The pregnant foot changes substantially, so your insole should adapt to that. For my next pregnancy, I plan to use these because I will be working out this time and I cannot afford for my feet to blow up like Shrek feet and I can keep wearing flats and my high heeled boots. I pretty much gave up heels when I got pregnant knowing that I would not be able to walk in them, and it seriously changed my style and made me feel like a fat, ugly person. Now that does not have to happen! Serious amazing stuff. WHY did I not know about this the first time?!
If you are in your 30s and pregnant or planning the second one, these are for you. Don’t ruin your feet like I did. I am one of those people that no matter what I do, I will always gain a lot of weight pregnant, and now that I know how to protect myself from the elements of pregnancy, this is my option. The first pregnancy made me learn so many different things, and something like insoles in your shoes that will stop your feet from hurting and changing drastically, well this is my time to share that information with other ladies who don’t want to go through that pain again! Things that I wish someone had told me or I had read about. MommySteps Insoles are going to save my fashion life (and my feet!) during my next pregnancy – maybe this time I can take pictures of myself and be proud of how I look and feel!



Top 10 Workout Songs of 2016



Whether tempo is the main factor in your workout playlist or an afterthought, the tracks below provide a few options to score your routine and an overview of what moved folks in 2016. So, if you’ve resolved to get (or stay) in shape in 2017, here are the 10 best tracks to kick start your next outing—according to 65,000 folks polled on workout music site Run Hundred.

Flo Rida & Jason Derulo – Hello Friday (Owen Norton Remix) – 128 BPM

Ariana Grande – Into You – 108 BPM

Jess Glynne – Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself – 121 BPM

Pitbull – Freedom – 118 BPM

Sia – Never Give Up – 91 BPM

Calvin Harris & Rihanna – This Is What You Came For – 124 BPM

Ellie Goulding – Something in the Way You Move – 109 BPM

Pink – Just Like Fire – 82 BPM

Fitz & The Tantrums – HandClap – 140 BPM

Justin Timberlake – Can’t Stop the Feeling – 113 BPM

If you want to preview any of these tracks (or share the list socially), here’s the link:

To find more workout songs, folks can check out the free database at Visitors can browse the song selections there by genre, tempo, and era—to find the music that best fits with their particular workout routine.

Top 10 Workout Songs of December

workout-music-e1426796238527Here’s the full top 10 list—according to the votes logged on workout music site Run Hundred.

The Weeknd & Daft Punk – Starboy (Kygo Remix) – 94 BPM

The Chainsmokers & XYLØ – Setting Fires – 105 BPM

Nevada, Mark Morrison & Fetty Wap – The Mack – 106 BPM

Calvin Harris – My Way (Offaiah Remix) – 124 BPM

Flume & Tove Lo – Say It (Clean Bandit Remix) – 130 BPM

Little Mix – Shout Out to My Ex – 126 BPM

David Guetta, Cedric Gervais & Chris Willis – Would I Lie to You (Extended) – 124 BPM

Stevie Wonder & Ariana Grande – Faith – 158 BPM

Sia – Move Your Body (Alan Walker Remix) – 128 BPM

Bebe Rexha – I Got You – 99 BPM

To find more workout songs, folks can check out the free database at Run Hundred. Visitors can browse the song selections there by genre, tempo, and era to find the music that best fits with their particular workout routine.

Adventures at the Gym -part 1

When I am running on the treadmill, I can see the from door and the main desk area as well as the daycare. I am on the second floor facing the first floor where all the action is. 

And then the people watching begins. 

I am not a treadmill tv watcher. I don’t know why, but I never got into it. I am not a music listener either. Both things I know would be more distracting to me but I just can’t. 

People watching at the front of the gym though? That is amazing. 

Let alone acknowledging the people that are upstairs in the gym with me, well that is a different beast in itself. 

There is one thing I don’t understand. How can you bring McDonald’s into a gym and feel like you are doing a good job at life ?

Even if it’s not for you and you aren’t working out, does giving it to your other kid to eat while the other ones swimming and everyone is sitting there drinking a 500 calorie latte AT THE GYM ?! 

I don’t get it. Then wouldn’t you like, feel bad about yourself at some point when you see people visibly older than you in serious better shape and healthier ?! 

Maybe it’s just me now and not be back when I was in college and not be before the baby. But like now as an adult with a kid, I feel like I need to get onboard with real life here. 

McDonalds at the gym is NOT OKAY. 

I don’t hate ok McDonald’s.  I will even get my daughter happy meals once in a while but DONT BE SELFISH!!!!!! 

All these people are upstairs working out and getting rid of their food cravings that made them decide to work out and now they are smelling McDonald’s, because you know it has a very strong smell, and getting hungry!!! 



Rude !!!

Hence why they only have smoothies at the gym because you can’t smell them!!!!! 

And there I am wondering what the hell did I do to deserve this running on the treadmill and counting down the minutes to when I can leave AND GO EAT FOOD !!!! 


Mission fail.