SOL: One Little Word of the Year


Recently I fell upon blog posts about One Little Word®.

It was really intriguing because there was more than one person posting about the same thing and I wondered what it was all about. If you, just like me, have no idea what I am talking about, check out Ali Edwards website.

Since this is my first year and many others have been doing this for years, I will definitely have some faults, but I welcome all critique.

So for 2017, my One Little Word is difference. I chose this word for many reasons. Being a teacher, my whole career is about differentiating and changing and making things different. As a parent, my daughter is always changing and every day I notice the difference between how she is growing up into a little person. After a few years of moving away and visiting and living in new areas, I see the difference in the person  I was and I have become and the people I have known, the difference is how they treat me as a mom who lives far away from a single woman who was always around.

Mostly, I see the difference in myself as a person and how I look at life. It feels like through a totally difference lens.

I chose difference because I want to make a difference in lives. My students, my daughters, my families, others who I don’t know, and myself. I want there to be a difference in my life from last year to this year. I want to see the difference in myself after working extremely hard this year as a first time all subject 3rd grade teacher for a high level certificate program. I want to see the difference in how writing for an entire year vs. not at all takes me through this 2017. I want to see a difference in my deflating marriage.


Thank you blog friends for introducing this wonderful project.

Want to join Slice of Life Writing? Visit Two Writing Teachers!


25 thoughts on “SOL: One Little Word of the Year

  1. I’ve been seeing others leave posts with reference to their One Little Word, but I didn’t know what they were talking about. Thanks for connecting me back to the Ali Edwards website. I think I might dive in and try it out, too! So many words are popping into my head right now…


  2. What a great one-word choice! I can appreciate that you want to be a difference and also that there will be a difference – a newness – in 2017. Made me think of renewal, revitalizing, etc. Strength and power to you in your ventures!


  3. This is my first year choosing a one little word too! I am so inspired by others that have done this before and all the tricks they use to keep their word in the forefront. Unlike other new year’s resolutions, having just one word might be easier to focus on and therefore keep!
    By the way – my word is joy!

    Much luck!


  4. Thanks so much for introducing me to Ali Edwards’ website. I’ve jumped into OLW just because I’d seen so many references to it during December and liked the ideas I had gleaned. Thank you for sharing your backstory and your hopes for 2017. My experiences have taught me that if I allow and embrace “difference” in myself, there will be a difference in everyone and everything around me. I am cheering for you and your differences in 2017!


  5. What a great word! I love your reasoning… and I love the idea of paying attention to all this difference… and the difference we make as teachers. Looking forward to reading about your journey this year. 🙂


  6. I like your word choice! Will you keep a separate journal writing about Difference? I’m curious about this one word idea also and will read your link. 🙂


  7. Pingback: SOL: D29, Positive Vibes | Teach. Workout. Love

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