10 Ways I am #RockingMotherhood

I have seen this challenge making its way around and I wanted to participate! Dorky Mom Doodles was the first place I saw it and hers was awesome!

Next I am tagging Elaine at Elaine’s Life and Apartment Living and Love, Life and Shenanigans.

Knowing Father’s Day is coming up, this is perfect timing! Everyone knows Father’s Day is not as built up as Mother’s Day so we should just take this one too! Just kidding.

However, I think it’s important to recognize mommy wins even if they are small since moms usually have to take on the hard role and the law makers. I know that’s the role of me in my house.

  1. Keeping her alive with no major issues for over 3 years now. No broken bones or major illnesses, we have survived!
  2. Sleeping all night long since infancy. My daughter has slept all night long since she was born. We early on started her on a schedule of bath, bottle, sleep and it kind of just stuck. We never did the part where she slept in our bed, ever. I heard bad things about it. We moved her to her own crib early on and she loved it. Now I wonder what it will be like when she moves to a toddler bed. Hopefully I am not jinxing this. But this kid loves to sleep late but hates going to sleep early. We cannot get her to sleep before 9.
  3. We eat healthy foods. This is a win for me because she definitely likes her sweets but not always will those be the first things that she grabs. This girl loves raisins. Like obsessed! Which is nice because its not like cookies or something. She has been a good eater for the most part. We struggle with dinner often, no clue what she will eat. But she has been getting better at telling us what she wants to eat now instead of me guessing.
  4. She is friendly. When we first moved away from home across the country, she had just started going to daycare. My girl was not a friendly girl. She would not talk to anyone but me, my mom, my husband and a few other people. She had a nanny for the first year of her life that only spoke Spanish. She was amazing and we were so grateful for her, but it made my daughter be super introverted and not friendly at all. Now she actually talks to lots of people and she is super friendly. Thank god for daycare!
  5. She is smart. I know every parent says their child is smart, but she really knows things like her colors, numbers, letters, writes her name backwards, recognizes letters, speaks really well… it’s quite amazing for a little kid.
  6. Potty Trained Successfully. We went for it, conquered it and then stuck with it. She did fantastic and now she goes to the bathroom all on her own.
  7. We travel. This girl has been on more planes in her life than probably many people I have met. We take at least 2 planes every time we go back to the East Coast, we have slept in hotels, on floors in airports, and been delayed many, many times before stuck in airports. She travels really well thank goodness.
  8. I ask her questions about her day. I ask her about her day and talk about what she did at daycare everyday. If she gives me nothing, I ask more specific questions to get her talking more. I love hearing about her day.
  9. I use my teacher voice and teacher logic. Being a parent is really hard. Especially when telling them no and having to teach them why whatever they did was bad. It’s good to know how to talk about the situation with kids because it is not like talking to an adult. My husband doesn’t get this because he doesn’t ever talk to kids. This is one of the huge benefits of being a teacher and a parent.
  10. Patience. Another huge benefit of being a teacher and a parent is having patience to handle all situations more calmly than most people who don’t know how to talk to an upset 3 year old in language that makes sense. When she was first born, since we had a nanny and grandparents around, I did not need to have patience. Now that she is older and it’s just us, patience is very much needed.


Not always do mommy’s get to have a fun job. Sometimes we have to say no and then they cry (like no ice cream or cupcakes before noon – which is happening right now as I write this) and sometimes we have to kiss booboos and make them better and sometimes we are the best friend they want and sometimes not. But we always have to be prepared for any situation that we are put it and then deal with it from there. There is no perfect way to be a mommy, the best thing you can do is take it as it comes and make sure they know they are loved.


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